Mair Strategies excels at:
Hard-hitting opposition research—the kind that destroys corporate reputations, ends political careers, and shuts down bad actors. We do not assemble traditional “quotes and votes” opposition research; we’re the people you call when you need the big guns brought to a fight.
Getting the most explosive stories written by investigative media—whether the focus is a company, high-profile business figure, politician, or celebrity.
Generating media coverage with left-of-center media, often using opposition research material we have assembled.
Generating media coverage with right-of-center media, often using opposition research material we have assembled.
Third party group and think-tank outreach. We’re the people who can organize advocates on the left and the right who agree with your position and ensure their voices are heard.
We do a ton of work focused on Washington DC, New York City/Wall Street, London, and California—but also in cities and states across the nation, and even internationally.